Commercial Excellence 

Every business strives for commercial excellence, delivering the best deals to provide the organisation with a competitive advantage in their chosen market-place, yet the stakes to achieve true excellence increase depending on the scale of organisation and the competitiveness of markets. Commercial Excellence

Whilst small companies will rely on their agility to progress and growing organisations strive for commercial advantage, it is the corporate that has to achieve excellence to secure and build stakeholder value. This relentless mission to become a world leader is fixating for the corporation as it strives to achieve cross functional integrated business excellence.

So it is no surprise that executives tasked with delivering these objectives will often look externally for learnings but ultimately will seek reassurance from real life examples to benchmark their performance against other respected market leading companies.

Customer & Corporate Focus

At Redtree we offer customers the opportunity to assess and gauge their situations against what is recognised as world class commercial excellence and reflect from our own experience of working within corporate environments what it takes in practical terms to achieve success.

We do this like many consultancies through the use of audit techniques, benchmarking and with the assistance of clever tools to measure maturity and current operational capabilities. Unlike many consultancies however our approach is set against a back drop of working in the corporate domain for many years. So yes we understand the theories but more importantly we share our experiences navigating success avoiding the many pitfalls we and you will inevitably encounter along the way.

By visioning the entire procurement lifecycle from a commercial excellence perspective we do not simply advise how to leverage the best deals but also how to structure your organisation, categories and contracts to sustain and be positioned to maintain a competitive advantage. This structural optimisation of the organisation, supply and value chains is a key determinant of success that many attempt but very few organisations achieve.

Whatever your point in time and place we have likely experienced this and can offer you the assurance to help guide you on this journey towards commercial excellence and success.

With any initial engagement our first job is to listen as we know again from experience no two situations are the same. So contact Redtree for a no obligation preliminary discussion so we can understand your agenda and provide you with an honest assessment of how we might help you achieve your commercial objectives.



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